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The Prayer Toilet (Restroom)
Prayer was perhaps the most important aspect of the work of the crossBeaTs.  Our prayer partners were crucial but, quite naturally, before every meeting we would come together as a band for a very short time of prayer.  This took place after all the equipment had been lugged in and set up, and we had (maybe) had a bit of a sound check.  Evidence of this can be seen in the write-up of a meeting at Trafalgar Square (when we went back to the van to pray).

Prayer of this sort can become 'automatic' and seem to be done out of habit, but we were convinced that it was right to bring what we were about to do before God in prayer.  Understandably, we never wanted to do this in front of other people (lest we be thought to be pharisaical ...!), so we tended to try to find a side room or other quiet place.

Often, this meant going into the gents' toilet (restroom) - as it was the only isolated room available.  At first, this was made fun of, but eventually, it became the most natural thing in the world.  I would estimate that of the (upwards of) ~1000 bookings undertaken by the crossBeaTs, over ~400 were preceded by a 'toilet prayer time'.

If you can help to supply any extra information about the work of the group, please get in touch. Email

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